Nov 29, 2018
What are prime numbers, and how did they move from the backwaters of abstract mathematical analysis to being vital for the way we live in the computer age? These are a couple of the questions that I look at in this episode of Restful Maths before reading a few out...ok before reading about 500 of them...
Nov 4, 2018
In this episode I look at the Natural Numbers; also known as the counting numbers they form the countable infinite set of whole numbers beginning with one...or sometimes zero. I briefly discuss their origins and why they are so important before I tell you what some of them...ok quite a few of...
Nov 3, 2018
In this trailer I describe what the point of the Restful Maths podcast is and what it will look like, to begin with at least. To many people mathematics is stressful. The idea of the Restful Maths podcast is that mathematics, and in particular number, can be an aid to a restful end of a stressful day.
Nov 2, 2018
"I can't do maths"; "helping my child with their maths homework stresses me out"; "I was never any good at maths at school"; "I don't need maths in real life". These are all things that I have heard from students and their parents as a high school mathematics teacher. Many peoples' interaction with formal mathematics is...